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10 Things Your Content Must Do to Succeed

by Philippe Bodart
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Content Marketing, CMS

Not all content is created equally. You can’t just start writing and see what happens if you want to create successful content. To make the most of the time and money you invest in creating resources to attract your customers, make sure each piece of ...

Apply now to be an Entrepreneur 360™ company. Let us tell the world your success story. Get Started » So you've decided you're ready to take the plunge, quit your job, and get your own company up and running. You have an amazing ">business idea you are ...

5 Ways to Set up Your Website for Profitability

by Philippe Bodart
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
SEO for Blogging, CMS, Static websites

Making a personal website profitable is a major challenge. It’s not necessarily that hard to start generating a little bit of spare change here and there with your online efforts. But to turn your site into a legitimate side source of income, or even a full-time job, you’ll need to take a thorough, strategic approach. Unfortunately there is no exact blueprint as to how you can make a profit online. Your site needs to be legitimately useful to visitors in...

12 Ways to Get a lot more People to Your Website

by Philippe Bodart
Monday, September 25, 2017
SEO Blogging, CMS, Static Websites

After choosing the right SEO keywords but before writing a ton of content ... You can do this by including a blogroll, link list, or resources page on your website. Of course, do it sparingly, as each outbound link is a “vote” for another site.

4 Slack bots disrupting the enterprise

by Philippe Bodart
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Presentations are long overdue for a rethink. They’re painful to pull together, don’t work well with web content, aren’t mobile friendly, and become instantly stale. We suffer through them because they serve a fundamental need on our teams — to ...

Pursuing the 'holy grail' of web technology

by Philippe Bodart
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Static Website CMS, CMS

The startup is on the cutting edge of web development, letting programmers instantly deploy super-fast websites with a click.

4 Digital Marketing Lessons You Can Learn from Real SMBs

by Philippe Bodart
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Content Marketing, Digital Marketing

Skin Spa New York, a ReachLocal client, combines a number of our digital marketing solutions like search advertising, retargeting, Facebook advertising, SEO, and more, to ensure their web presence is comprehensive and that they’re constantly attracting ...

9 Statistics About Content Marketing That Will Surprise You

by Philippe Bodart
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing

Content creation is one of the key elements of marketing strategies nowadays. If implemented successfully, content marketing can grow leads, boost the interest of consumers, and increase the retention rate. That’s what makes this tool so powerful and omnipresent. But it’s not always easy to develop a productive strategy. As the matter of fact, many businesses are struggling to find the right balance between marketing investments, multichannel promotion, and content creation. This leaves their content marketing plans underdeveloped or inefficient, which is why we often witness some very unusual statistics in this field. That’s exactly why we decided to present you 9 statistics about content marketing that will really make you reconsider your plans and future moves.

Philippe Bodart

Philippe Bodart | Master in Polymaths with broad International exposure across four Continents. Specialised in start-up and high growth phases of companies and in remote managing a multitude of sales and operational offices worldwide.